
Ode to Spoken Word

(Cross posted on Facebook notes)

Industrial lighting and industrial carpets lay down the bare basics of a place where I place my mind. I spin my thoughts on a swivel chair and open to a circle of visionaries. I often jump to conclusions outside, but within this room the foundations of assumption and bias are constantly under siege. In silence this room offers a view into the tune of my emotions. I am boring, ordinary and a creature of habit; but here I feel a voice with purpose behind and eco-friendly notebook and chapped lips. Whipping myself around to greet familiar faces, I find even those I never see outside this room feel like a family as long as I sit here and hear their souls speak, laugh when humor is presented and stop keeping track of time like its rented. I savor minutes, seconds and ask for a second serving of simple savory sounds.
Snap, snap.
Wrap up that thought and speak poet
They glow.
They’re glorious.
And in the embrace of this circle, I’m relaxed and at home.

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